A Quick update on updates
Until recently, we used a service called ‘Feedburner’ to send email updates whenever there was a new article or podcast posted to Diet & Health Today. The service was provided by Google and they are retiring the service at the end of this month (June 2021), so we needed to find an alternative provider.
Fortunately, Mailchimp can do something very similar, so we’ve moved over to them to deliver these updates, effective immediately.
No one likes an overfed inbox, so we’ve taken this opportunity to slightly change how we send out these updates… Rather than send out an email every time a new article is posted, we’ll now send out a weekly digest, on Sunday mornings.
If you’d like to receive a weekly digest of articles, just enter your email address in the little box at the bottom right of the site, in the ‘Never miss an episode’ block. If you’ve already signed up for these updates, there’s nothing to do, other than look out for an email from us on Sundays.