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Eat naturally, move naturally
Lose weight & gain health with
The Harcombe Diet®
Diet & Weight
Being a healthy weight is an important factor for long-term health, and getting to your ‘natural weight’ after years of being overweight needn’t be difficult or mean a life of deprivation.
The Harcombe Diet® helps you to lose weight quickly, easily and then keep it off.
There are very few rules and absolutely nothing to count.
The key to long-term weight loss is to eat better, not less.

Know your macros from your micros
& your vitamins from your minerals
and learn why they are all important for optimal health

Food & Nutrition
If you think you need to eat 5-a-day, limit saturated fat, carb-load for exercise or count calories, you may be in for a surprise.
Most public-health messages surrounding food & nutrition have no base in evidence and may actually be doing more harm than good.
Learn the facts about food & nutrition and read about how the headline stories in the news distort the evidence.
Health & Fitness
Conventional wisdom will tell you that you need to spend hours down the gym or on a treadmill to get fit.
This couldn’t be further from the truth and may do doing more damage than good (especially to your joints).
Natural fitness needn’t be stressful or hard work. We need to ‘walk, talk, clean, tend-the-land, dance and play’ to keep ourselves able to function physically in today’s world.

Let’s get you started…
We’ve been helping people lose weight and gain health for over a decade. Our diet plan has proved super effective for people who want to lose weight without counting calories (or carbs).
Our focus has always been on helping individuals develop a personal diet plan that’s nutritious, delicious and sustainable.
Diet & Health Today has its roots in The Harcombe Diet®. In fact, all the principles, plans, FAQs, articles, recipes, videos and podcasts that we have created over the years are all embedded in this website.
Come and join us today and take that important first step to making better lifestyle choices, for you, and your loved ones.
Zoë & Andy Harcombe
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Quarterly Plan
Just £27.50 first 3 months
then £20 subsequent 3 months
Save with an Annual Membership
Just £65.00 first year
then £47.50 subsequent years