The Harcombe Diet vs. LCHF
The Harcombe Diet vs. LCHF
Having spoken at two LCHF conferences – Oslo November 2014 and South Africa February 2015 – I thought it may be useful to do a special article on LCHF vs. The Harcombe Diet, just in case any of you thought I had suddenly replaced my beloved 85% chocolate with coconut oil! Andy and I have worked on this together as a Q&A. Comments are open at the end, so please feel free to ask any questions that we may have missed...
Q) Is The Harcombe Diet LCHF?
A) No. Depending on what you may have done before you came across The Harcombe Diet you will likely find it lower in carb and higher in fat (if you were a calorie counter) and you’ll probably find it higher in carb and maybe lower in fat if you were doing Atkins.
The important thing to remember about The Harcombe Diet is how it came about. There’s a full article on this here and it’s also shared in the 2013 version of Why do you overeat? And the Hodder 3-step plan book, as it’s so important to remember.