The Ultimate Yoghurt Question
I get many questions about yoghurt and The Harcombe Diet. I’m hoping that this will be the definitive answer to any more yoghurt questions. If it is not answered here, I’ll show you how to do your own research…
Q) Should I have Natural Live Yoghurt with a fat meal or a carb meal?
A) This is the second most FAQ on The Harcombe Diet answered here.
Q) Do I have to eat NLY on The Harcombe Diet?
A) No! If you don’t like it, or are strongly dairy intolerant (check the FAQ on Phase 1 no dairy but NLY first), don’t eat it. It does attack Candida, but not eating carbs and processed food will have way more impact on attacking Candida. Hence it is not essential to have NLY for the diet to work. It is just a nice menu option if you like it and are not highly lactose intolerant (you would likely have had this diagnosed if this were the case).
Q) ACTIMEL – is it OK?
A) The answer on Actimel is here.
Q) ACTIVIA – is it OK?
A) The answer on Activia is here.
Q) TOTAL Greek yoghurt – is it OK?
A) The answer on TOTAL Greek yoghurt is here.
Q) ANY OTHER YOGHURT not listed – is it OK?