Chocolate Price Fears
We are facing the worst cocoa shortage for 40 years – the price of cocoa rose to £2,055 a ton this week. I only need 85g each day – for my 85% cocoa 100g chocolate bar. So, dear cocoa growers, just keep some supply trickling through!
Did you know that dark chocolate has approximately 40 fewer calories per 100g than milk chocolate. Far more important though is the carb content. A 100g bar of 85% chocolate has 19g of carb (about the same as one small-medium apple). A 100g bar of 70% cocoa chocolate has 33g of carb and a 100g bar of milk chocolate has over 50g. Enjoy that naturally low carb, wonderfully high fat munch!
The ingredients in my 85% bar, if you’re interested, are cocoa mass, cocoa powder, cocoa butter, sugar, natural vanilla beans. This is the only form in which I consume sugar on a daily basis – so I know I consume fewer than 10g of sugar per day. The UK average is 100g per person per day – staggering! Hence someone is eating nearer 200g to cover my share. 100g sugar is 400 totally empty calories.